Half Day Release

C = Comments or concerns, changes (Haringey-Sue/Aiysha . Enfield-Anjum/Riz)

A= A attendance———————————————– is mandatory .

G = GP curriculum.———————————————– links & EXIT questionnaire

E = e portfolio.—- ——————————————-MUST DO

S = Significant Untoward event –—————————– Register on Synapse,

4 Programme Directors( PDs) at VTS half day release on Thursdays or e-mail


Sue Moorthy ([email protected])

Aiysha Jawaid ( [email protected] )


Rizwana Noor (  [email protected] )

Anjum Iqbal ( [email protected] )

Or Administrators –

Ms Yasmin Michael [email protected];

Ms Jacqueline Ward  [email protected]

GPST year – 3 terms – 13 wks each – every Thursday afternoon

Spring term – Jan to March/April

Summer term – April to July/August

Autumn term – September to December – Away days Oct /Nov.

GPST Thursday afternoons

Postgraduate Centre at North Middlesex hospital ( certain exceptions see term timetable)

Generally the afternoon is divided into 2 sessions

1 pm to 1.30 pm lunch

1.30 pm to 3.15 pm Major topic ( SESSION 1 )

3.15 pm to 3.30 pm Tea/coffee

3.30 pm to 4.30 pm recurring topics ( SESSION 2)

Recurring topics include:

  1. Fellowship groups – others call it Balint type or psychoanalytic groups
  2. Debate – on topics selected and presented by VTSers
  3. Journal club – on papers selected & presented by VTSers
  4. Peer group – nMRCGP style scenarios – worked up in small groups
  5. Video/consultations – to help COT & CSA

GPST Summer halfday – in addition to SHOs & GPRs it involves all GP trainers.

GPST Residential/ Away days – Oct or Nov every year as of 2019 will be Away days .


Prompt starts 1.30 pm please

Attendance records are kept & if unable to attend for any reason please contact the secretary.

At the end of the term the attendance records are sent to your individual educational supervisor.

Switch off bleeps /mobiles (except for emergencies)

Once the session has started please do not go to collect your food or drink, until the session is finished.