
Welcome to Enfield & Haringey General Practice Speciality Training (GPST)

This site is set up as a resource for GPST and trainers in Enfield & Haringey.

Anyone is welcome to browse the site but please read our disclaimer.


-> PGMDE Support Portal


This is a unique scheme based across two North London hospitals covering contrasting areas of population.

The North Middlesex Teaching hospital serves a predominantly more urban inner city population in Haringey. Where as Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield serves suburban and small towns around the fringes of the M25 motor way . The three year GPST is presently divided into 12 month hospital posts and 24 months in General Practice. The 24 months in GP is split – 12 months as ST1 or ST2 then 12 months as GPR ( GP Registrar).

How to Apply

All applications through the London Deanery

London Deanery

Next Term

Please think of Topics for Debate / Journal Club

GPRs please collect cases for video / GPR presentation / mock SCA cases.