Essential Paperwork

Please notify any change in your employment in writing or e-mail (e.g. ANY leave / sick leave/maternity leave/change from full time to flexible etc ) to

  1. GP Lead Employer   [email protected]
  2. Programme Director (s)
  3. Educational supervisor
  4. London Deanery


To obtain you final completion certificate – EVERYONE MUST

  1. Register with the RCGP
  2. e protfolio completion of your ST 1 & 2 posts (6wks before end of post)
  3. e portfolio completion of your GPR post (8 wks before end of post)
  4. Finally apply to PMETB for your Certificate of Completion of Training.

***The training Dr has sole responsibility for completing his or her e portfolio ***

Everyone must manage their own e portfolios.

Reminder for MSF (Multisource feedback)

The ST1 doctors do it twice, one in month 5-6 then the second 2-4 months later. There is no MSF in ST2. The Registrars have to do it twice in ST3, one at month 28-30 followed by second 2-4 months later. The results will come to the Educational supervisor.

Helpful websites